dimanche 13 août 2017


Reading the words of past
Your present thrown in thy face
My eyes filled with tears of dust
Striving in this ocean of sand

Without sail, the horizon fast
The wind of time turns its face
Looking astray, my shore’s a dust
From an afar life it bans

Feeling the void you cast
That shroud without cloud I face
A glimpse of light, soon turned to dust
That red knife in your hand

Once, one we were as
Twin suns, warmth in our embrace
Now looking like deserts of dust
Eclipse of the Moon, I strand

The shadows of time past
A window on an empty space
Gazing the wind and never-ending dust
Lost in an ocean of quicksand 

Will the sunrise be one day colorfast
The meeting of life printed on our faces
Shimmering eyes free of dust
Walking heart and mind we understand ?

Walking the road hand in hand
Walking life and friendship on land
Walking away from wasteland
Walking as dancing music land

Walking, dancing, looking … living.